Thursday, January 17, 2008

Does anyone speak FRENCH?

So Haiti's official language is French, even if most people speak Creole. So I am resolutely deciding to learn French. I still think Spanish is the focus, and I need to really master Spanish, but I want to learn the basics of French and be able to effectively communicate the basics! This is exciting stuff, I went to the bookstore today to look into getting a French phrase book and maybe some CD's, but it would be great if anyone speaks French and would like to help me learn. I am sure there are others on our team that would also like to learn French, so as the need grows, I will get more desperate in finding someone to teach me the basics... Only 175 days until our flight leaves LAX for Port Au Prince!

Some prayer requests:
  1. Creativity in raising money for the trip
  2. Vision and anointing for the team
  3. Protection physically and financially for our team
  4. Protection physically and financially for the Hands and Feet orphanage
I will update this as I learn more about what we're doing and what the needs of the orphanage are.

1 comment:

brittneyp said...

I'm so excited to help. French is a way fun language, and because you already know Spanish, it should be even easier. Je sais que les enfants dans Haiti vont adorez-vous!